Na Piarsaigh Last Man Standing – Prize 500eRules & Regulations.
Entries and fee of 10e to be returned to contacts below by Friday 20th November 6pm. Payments can be made via the seller/contacts below/Revolut/Paypal.
2. Select a team to win in the Premier league for the 4 rounds above.
3. If your team loses or draws you are out.
4. You can only selecct each team once.
5. In the event of a cancelled match, your pick is deemed a win and you advance to the next round. Team selected cannot be picked again as it was deemed a win.
6. If you are still in the competition after week 4, it is your responsibility to notify the committee of your pick.
7. If entry is not received the day before commencement of the gameweek, your pick will be made for you (Selected Alphabetically, ie Arsenal (if already picked, next Aston Villa and so on).
8. Last Man continues until only one person remains and wins the pot. If all remaining players lose in the previous round, they all go through to the next round until there is one clear winner.
9. *** Dates and times of games subject to Premier League.
10. Gameweeks for further rounds will be posted on Social Media pages.
11. Spreadsheet of picks and entrants will be shared on Social Media pages once finalised.
Social Media Pages
Gordon Joyce 0877592490
Brian Gardiner 0864857871
Lorraine Buckley 0872101778
Brian Buckley 0857275777
Carol Casey 0868917088
Forms can also be obtained from the Office.
Last Man Standing has now been completed and our congratulations go to John O Connell who was the outright winner. Well done John. And well done to Gordon Joyce the instigator of Last Man Standing. Well done to everyone who took part it was greatly appreciated. Watch out for the next one.