Below you can find the live music events happening at our club’s bar in September 2024. We look forward to seeing you!
Saturday 24th August - Diva Sensation 9.30pm
Sunday 25th August - Damian O Mahony 6.30pm…
As we now head into Level 5 lockdown the shop will remain closed until the 1st December.
Our Senior AGM is fixed for Sunday 10th December 2023 at 2.30pm.
Na Piarsaigh is a thriving, Hurling & Gaelic Football Club catering for boys from all ages up to adult level. The club is based in Fair Hill, Cork. The club are now looking to appoint a Games Promotion Officer…
Picture L to R: Neilus O’Sullivan (Chairman Na Piarsaigh H & F Club), Noel Maguire (Winning Team), Frank Nodwell (Presenting Jimmy Nodwell Annually Na Piarsaigh Golf Classic Winner Trophy), Larry McCarthy (Uachtaran CLCG), Rodney Pidgeon (Winning Team), Fernando Munoz…
A face-to-face safeguarding workshop with Tutor Des Cullinane will take place in the club on:
Sunday 27th of February at 10 am Saturday 5th of March at 2 pm
The course is 2.5hrs long. Masks must be worn. …
Dear Club members,
Membership fees are now due for adult players, starting from U18 up, selectors, committee members, adult non-players either through Foireann, Clubforce or by handing membership into the office. Closing date is 31st March 2022.
You can…
Na Piarsaigh H&F Club players are covered by the Player Injury Scheme operated by the National Governing Body of the GAA.
The GAA Injury Fund applies to: - Registered Players - Voluntary Coaches, Team Managers, Selectors and members of…
Na Piarsaigh & Zartis Training Programme
Regarding the scholarship program with our sponsor Zartis application are now kicking off on Friday 5th February next so if you are interested in a place on this course please contact Adnan Tuccar…
We wish to advise members that membership for 2021 is now due hereunder are the catego