Na Piarsaigh & Zartis Training Programme

Na Piarsaigh & Zartis Training Programme

Regarding the scholarship program with our sponsor Zartis application are now kicking off on Friday 5th February next so if you are interested in a place on this course please contact Adnan Tuccar on before Friday next.   Zartis will be paying the costs of this course for whoever decides to take them up on their offer.  So if you are interested in doing IT now is your chance.

are a digital service provider with a talented team of professional with offices across Ireland, Spain, Poland, Germany and the UK.  They started as a SaaS company in 2009 developing HR software.  From here they evolved into a software consulting company for the tech sector, helping customers to build software and software teams in a better way.  Today they partner with firms across financial services, healthcare, media, logistics technology and renewable energy among many others and work with a broad array of technologies.   Na Piarsaigh H&F Club are proud to have ZARTIS now on board as our Sponsor for 2021 and we would hope that some members will take up this training programme.

Zartis wishes to provide focused training and support to connect club members with job opportunities in the IT sector. Zartis will cover all costs associated with this training. We will offer training in two different areas; software development and digital marketing.
Some club members will be more suited to software development, and others will have abilities more suited to marketing. Round 1 will focus on software development, which we want to launch in early February, and we will aim to launch the digital marketing round later that month. Details regarding the software development training are included below, and details about the marketing training will follow early in the new year. 

Full-Stack Software Development Diploma:
This course gives participants hands-on experience creating web technologies.
Content is industry-validated & University accredited. The course is 100% online. It is
suitable for beginners or those with an existing skill-set.

Who Should Apply for Software Development Training
Apply for this if you found subjects like maths and science enjoyable in school and if you are good at problem solving.  You can complete the course at your own pace, but you will need to be able to invest some time consistently.  You don’t need any formal qualifications to take on the course.

Who Should Apply for Marketing Training
Apply for this if you were good at writing and languages at school, and you are good at communicating.  You don’t need any formal qualifications to take on the course.

Technical Mentor: Each participant in software development training is paired with an
experienced Zartis software developer and will get continuous support throughout the
course. We will provide similar support on the marketing side.
Business Mentor: Each participant is paired with a Zartis business team member who will help them gain the necessary soft skills to excel in the job market, from CV preparation and job applications to communication and interview skills.

1. Complete an online coding challenge.
2. Upon successful completion of the coding challenge, you will be invited to meet with a Zartis team member, and we will make an individual plan for you

Our Goal
The IT sector has more job openings than any other industry in Ireland right now. Our aim is to support Na Piarsaigh club members who want to change careers, develop new skills and improve their standard of living.

This opportunity is open to all club members – for more details, contact our
Project Lead, Adnan Tuccar.You can reach him via email –

Here are some questions and answers which may be helpful:
Is the training open to school going members or do they need to be in
third level education ?
. We can make training available to whoever wants it, and has the time and
interest to finish it out. It would be tough to balance the training along with
the leaving cert at the same time, but it could be done. If someone left school
early without the leaving cert, that’s not a problem from our perspective.

Some people struggle with school but do well in these training programmes.
Is there a minimum age ?
. Not really, but 17 is probably the youngest age worth considering, as you will
need to have a lot of self-motivation to finish things out.

Is there a limit to the number of entrants, is there only one position on
each course available ?
. We have 10 x courses Code Institute available, and we can acquire more if
needed. The Code Institute courses sell for around €6,000 each, so we would
just ask that whoever takes one is prepared to take it seriously and put in the
time needed. Not everyone who starts the training will finish it, but we want
people who will give it a real shot.

What is the duration of the course, how many hours per week would be
. For the software course, they would need more commitment than for the
marketing course. Daily 3 hours at least so that they can finish in around 6
months. For marketing daily 1-2 hours should be enough.

Can you give us more detail on the University Credit Rating and how it
might be applied to further education courses in Ireland?
. The Code Institute course is a Level 5 Diploma on the European Qualification
Framework, accredited by Edinburgh Napier University and recognized by the
Higher Education Authority in Ireland. It’s also recognised in the US, Canada
and many parts of Europe. There is more information available here:

Here are the links to start the application process:
Digital Marketing: